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In 2016 Charlene Hadwin formed Amagical Art to showcase her inspirations.  She has always loved to paint and after retirement, she finally found the time needed to explore and evolve her craft.  Over the last few years, her art has gained popularity with many of her paintings sold to collectors around the world.

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A Note from Char:

The driving force behind my art is an enduring interest in experiencing color, shapes and sizes as images manifest on canvas.  It’s an emotional resonance similar to the way over time our relationships with others manifest.   Each painting takes on a life of its own even though I start with a concept utilizing specific techniques with deliberate outcomes.  While applying paint, using various techniques, the colors and shapes start to come together.  This determines what the final painting will become.  I love how each painting speaks to me during the process and how the juxtaposition of combining mediums create a unique experience and a one-of-a-kind art piece. While applying multiple techniques in my work, each painting reveals the universal exchanges found in my art.  I attempt to paint from an inward experience and allow the paint and materials to take on a life of their own.  There is also a time-base quality to the physicality found in my work.  Each piece is created over several days and weeks, using layers of paint, resin, inks, and recyclable articles.  I am compelled by what might be obscured and revealed by this approach.  These compilations, with imagery and inspiration sometimes masked, develop over time. Paintings made today often times require a response to the paintings of yesterday.

On October 21, 2023 Char will offer a class at Truckee Meadows Community College.

幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询-168飞艇计划软件官网 Time to learn some exciting fluid acrylic pour techniques

On October 21, 2023 play with paints like never before.   Learn various techniques to create a unique abstract work of art. Learn how to mix your own paint as you familiarize yourself with the simple supplies needed to enjoy this medium. Discover the newest techniques used in fluid acrylic art and explore the dirty pour, swipe, balloon smashing, airbrushing, and fluid flow pour methods.   Beginners welcome. $30 materials fee.

Register HERE for Class sign-up

This classes fill up quickly. To ensure you receive a seat assignment, register early by clicking on the link. 

幸运飞行艇官网app-168飞艇开奖号码官网 Going with the Flow Demonstration

Char will provide a Free Fluid Art Demonstration at the Nevada Artist Association 449 W King Street Carson City on Saturday, June 10th 10:30 am. For more information click HERE.

For more information on Char’s upcoming classes and exhibits, visit her upcoming exhibitions page.

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